Cypress Wilde


Cypress Wilde (they/them) is a disabled and queer zinemaker, multimedia artist, and author based in Central New Jersey. Their art focuses on nostalgia as well as their love for the environment. When not illustrating and making zines, they are publishing writing and attending art school full time. Their poetry chapbooks include I'm Stuck In Limbo, But Please Don't Save Me (2022) and Clementine (2025). They love paper collage and experimenting with form and color.

They have art and writing published with Moss Puppy Mag, Bullshit Lit, Querencia Press, Kelp Journal, Auvert Magazine, and others.

Cypress is passionate about many things but here are a few: Disney, video games, the ocean, Winnie The Pooh, traveling, ice packs, movies, cyanotypes, and many tv shows like Over The Garden Wall and House of the Dragon.

Their favorite artists are Georgia O'Keeffe and Frida Kahlo.

Their favorite sea creature (it's hard to pick) but seals or coral.

In addition, they also run Queercrip Records, a queer and disabled music zine publication with their partner Violet. 

You can find Cypress on instagram @behemothlullabies

Their zines can be found at Southstreet Art Mart in Philadelphia and at local zine fests.